90-Day Couples Counseling Program

Getting Back to Better

Are you and your partner feeling adrift in your relationship? Perhaps you’re tired of facing the same issues without finding resolution? 

Our 90-Day Couples Counseling Program is designed to revitalize your relationship, fostering deeper connection and understanding.


Why Choose the 90-Day Program?

Relationships require commitment, effort, and strategic interventions. This intensive program is crafted to address the unique needs of couples who are navigating through difficulties. Whether you’re dealing with communication breakdowns, trust issues, or simply want to strengthen your bond, this program offers a focused and comprehensive approach.

Our Approach


In-Depth Assessment

First, decide which service you need. We offer a range of therapies, including Adult Therapy for Mood Disorders, Couples Counseling, and more. If you're unsure, feel free to contact us for guidance.


Tailored Goals and Strategies

For new clients, we typically schedule a 30-minute phone intake appointment. This step is crucial for us to understand your situation better and ensure that we match you with the right therapy service.


Weekly Homework and Activities Outside of Sessions

Using a personalized approach, we speak to each client to schedule appointments that fit with your schedule and needs.


Biweekly Sessions for Consistency

Once you've scheduled your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email. We also send out reminders to ensure that you don't miss your scheduled session.


Proven Methods

Once you've scheduled your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email. We also send out reminders to ensure that you don't miss your scheduled session.

“Love is an action even more than a feeling. It requires intention and attention, a practice we call attunement.”

— John Gottman 

Embark on Your Path to a Stronger Union

If you’re ready to invest in the health and longevity of your relationship, the 90-Day Couples Counseling Program is your path to lasting change.